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FCAR Professional Universal Auto Diagnostic Scanner——

9 janvier 2015

Car mechanic how to use F3-D diagnostic tool to detection of diesel trucks malfunction

In order to diagnose and remove fault, connect Fcar auto scanner to diagnostic socket of vehicle, as shown in Pic.4-37.It has special functions as follow, such as engine off-cylinder running, test injection solenoid valve response time, calibrate and replace injector, take rapid sample of engine data, user can limitedly alter ECU program etc. under engine manufacturer restricted working condition or characteristic parameter.

 Maintenance technician can use Fcar scanner to enter ECU memory, monitor sensor output, read DTC, And also selectively program options that already exists in system.
① Read DTC
  Different engine manufacturer, the fault code coding system and interpreter program are different. Such as CAT, Cummins, DETROIT DIESEL, MACK and VOLVO, the fault that each company engine fault code referred to is different. SAE CHATS and engine manufacturer worked together to formulate a standard system about electronic code and its implication, to encourage the whole industry to adopt serial data communication system in engine. SAE has drawn up SAE-J series reference standard, and now has been applied.


                             PIicture 4-37
●SAE J1587 this standard enable to have” talk “(information exchange)with car diagnostic tool,trip recorder and vehicle information management system,electronic instrument display system and satellite system. In other words, J1587 and J1708 data communication system can provide data of sensor and engine to other control modules of vehicle.
●SAE J1922 and J1939 these two standards enable ECU to communicate with other electronically controlled system such as ABS, drive slip control system(traction control system),to provide data for other electronically controlled systems. Vehicle communication line connects J1922 and J1939 data control interfaces of ECU to other electronically controlled systems, J1939 data transmission system adopts CAN communication protocol.
●SAE J1924 is a standard about microcomputer software compatibility, which enables computer to connect to ECU interface, and explain data signal from ECU, software installed as terminate and stay resident (TSR).
  When use Fcar scanner as shown in Pic. 4-36 to decode DTC saved in ECU, the DTC and its definition can be displayed. Referring to DTC and its definition that the scanner displayed, maintenance Technician gradually locate where the fault is, and find the real cause to fault.

  To read DTC, the diagnostic connector must be found firstly and then connect with diagnostic scanner (as shown in Pic 4-36).As engines and automakers are different, diagnostic sockets are normally different. Considering diagnostic socket used by some automakers are not standard connectors, the diesel version of Fcar car scanner are now equipped with diagnostic connectors of common vehicle models, but there are still part of models assembled with different diagnostic connectors because of different requests of manufacturer. Regarding this aspect, Fcar diesel version specially equipped with universal jumper box and jumper for those without suitable diagnostic connector.

4-38 Universal jumper box and needle jumper combination

9 janvier 2015

Use auto scanner diagnosis process common problems

F3-W gasoline car scanner function:Testing the global mainstream gasoline + 12V diesel vehicles, reaching to the same effect with the OEM car scanner. Built-in high and low speed CAN-BUS,one diagnostic connector can test all the CAN-BUS vehicles. Support almost all OBD- II protocols. The following are some questions for using OBD11 scanner to diagnostic vehicle.     
Questions for using auto scanner to diagnostic vehicle
1: Split Second Screen Flickers During Engine Starting
Possible Cause: Effected by electromagnetism,or the battery voltage fluctuate is large when
Startup vehicles.
Solution: it is the normal phenomena(just try to avoid power on when start the engine)
2: Operation Interrupted During Diagnosis
Possible Cause: Effected by electromagnetism,or the connector to the socket is not tight
Solution: Depart from engine compartment with strong electromagnetism environment, turn off the high-power acoustics, check OBD 11 scanner main unit connector..
3:There Is No Response From Vehicle ECU at Communication
Possible Cause: Supply power voltage is out of the normal range; the Throttle Valve is not
closed, Transmission is in “D”; Turn on by electrical appliances, Water temperature is out of the normal range
Solution: Inspect the supply power voltage, close the throttle valve;put the transmission in “P”;Turn off the electrical appliances, make sure the water temperature is in normal range.
4: Some Systems Can’t Be Diagnosed
Possible Cause:Few system diagnostic sockets in the forepart vehicles are separated.
Solution: Search the most similar trouble code and the circuit to analyse

9 janvier 2015

Fcar auto diagnostic tool Widely support all kinds of diagnostic protocol type

Different vehicle series adopts different diagnostic protocol, even for the same series, the protocol adopted continuously changes and updates. In Fcar auto diagnostic tool, 7 types are concluded, basically including all kinds of communication protocol currently available.
CAN communication protocal
VW protocol
VPW format: Variable pulse width. Logical width uncertain, with depends on rising edge or failing edge. Logic 1 expresses in wide pulse in rising edge or narrow pulse in failing edge.
PWM format: PWM is pulse width modulation. It has 2 lines, one pull-up, and another pull-down. Using pulse width length to represents Logic 1 and 0.
Benz with additional bit protocol
flashing code formatter: its feature is to obtain fault code information through measuring the number of pulse outputted on diagnostic line after triggering diagnostic function of ECU.
 Wide Power Design
Voltage change between 9~27V of Fcar computer diagnostic tool enables to support 12V as well as 24V gasoline vehicles. Fcar vehicle diagnostic scanner is a scanner that can support both gasoline and diesel version.

F3-G computer diagnostic tool adopts the advanced modularized design technology which is capable of diagnosing and learning a variety of Chinese, European, American, Japanese and Korean gasoline, truck power system quickly and easily.

Actually F3-G computer diagnostic tool is the only computer diagnostic tool that can test both gasoline and heavy duty trucks in one scanner. it includes F3-W and F3-D all functions.          

12 décembre 2014

Pregunta Al utilizar el explorador de diagnóstico de Fcar automóvil

1, Q: logotipos aparecen se mueve (se congela la imagen), ninguna respuesta después de hacer clic en la pantalla?

   A: (1) En el caso de parada, vuelva a conectar la tarjeta SD y luego reiniciar;
     (2) La actualización no es resultado exitoso, re-actualizar la tarjeta SD o la tarjeta SD para una actualización.
     (3) actualizar el método de funcionamiento del lector de código de automóvil: (tarjeta SD debe ser inicializado antes de la actualización del programa) para abrir la web oficial de Fcar, entre [nombre de usuario y contraseña] - [Select Centro de descarga] - [Seleccionar modelo de escáner que desea actualizar (tales como: F3-G] - [seleccionar plena descarga del paquete de actualización] - [haga clic en guardar (cualquier navegador a la unidad de escritorio o D)] - después de la descarga se haya completado, haga doble clic en la interfaz [Haga clic en Examinar para disco móvil] - [Click actualización (necesidad de más de 10 minutos)] - [actualizar completa] - [sacar la tarjeta SD e instalar está en escáner]
  Si: no se puede utilizar correctamente el escáner computadora del coche, por favor póngase en contacto con servicio al cliente de, le ayudaremos a resolver lo antes posible.

2, Q: Haga clic en sistema del vehículo, de la unidad principal auto de la energía y de reinicio automático, ¿por qué?

   R: Esto es porque el sistema de la máquina no está activado, sólo hay decenas de oportunidades de uso. Los siguientes son los 2 tipos de activación:
(1) la activación permanente, que debe ponerse en contacto con el personal responsable de la asistencia.
  (2) la activación de frecuencia, puede visitar el sitio web oficial de Fcar, [seleccionar el Centro de descarga] - [Activación del sistema] - [Escriba el nombre de usuario y contraseña] - [Seleccione Inicio de sesión] - [firma de entrada / PN] - - [ingrese la activación code] - [seleccione Generar] - habrá una fila de número de activación de 15 bits en la continuación de escritorio, de entrada este número en el lector de código de Fcar automóvil.
A, Método de la operación para la búsqueda de código de firma: para suministrar energía al escáner de diagnóstico del automóvil, encienda el interruptor de alimentación del escáner, haga clic en el segundo menú en el escritorio, seleccione la activación de la máquina, introducir el código de firma en la computadora para generar, a continuación, introduzca el número de 15 dígitos en Internet en automóvil menú escáner de diagnóstico Haga clic en [confirmar] para completar la activación.
B, nota que no apague y operar escáner de diagnóstico del automóvil durante la activación de la frecuencia de funcionamiento, de lo contrario la activación se ha fallado, es necesario volver a operar.
3, Q: La interfaz de ajuste de la pantalla aparecería cada vez que encienda sin
clic pantalla. cómo se puede solucionar?

A: (1) Compruebe si hay cuerpos extraños atrapados entre la carcasa y la pantalla, la pantalla se vuelve a la normalidad después de eliminar materias extrañas.
    (2) Si la membrana de la pantalla táctil tiene burbujas o rizos, será de nuevo a la normalidad después de lágrima de membrana (para proteger la pantalla táctil, mejor para pegar una nueva membrana).

12 décembre 2014

FAQ para escáner de código de auto de Fcar

1, Q: de Fcar código auto escáner sin pantalla pero la luz de encendido después de alimentación de la unidad principal?

A: Espere unos minutos después del encendido on.If la pantalla sigue en negro y la luz se enciende, entonces la unidad principal tiene un problema, por favor póngase en contacto con servicio al cliente de, lo vamos a resolver para usted lo más pronto posible.

2, Q: Cuando la detección de vehículo, pantalla de escáner de la computadora del coche sin pantalla y potencia de la luz no después de pulsar el interruptor?

R: Cuando conecte con el vehículo, toma de diagnóstico del cuerpo puede tener ninguna tensión de alimentación, deberá ser con la alimentación proporcionada por encendedor o terminal de la batería que el escáner de código auto de Fcar equipado con, (usar la carpeta de la batería en el vehículo que se detecte la máquina; Si utilizar energía externa del escáner de código para los coches, y luego debe ser energía de la batería en el mismo vehículo, de lo contrario oleada actual dará lugar a daños en el hardware o la falta de prueba) .Si el poder todavía no puede y asegúrese de que la línea principal prueba de escáner de código para los coches ninguna problema, entonces la unidad principal es defectuoso, por favor póngase en contacto con servicio al cliente de, vamos a resolver lo antes posible.
3, Q: Después reemplazado con papel nueva impresión, nada se puede imprimir out.How para resolverlo?

R: Como de Fcar adopta impresora térmica, comprobar si el papel de impresión se invierte (imprimir después de cambio y eje de laminado se coloca properly.If todo está bien, entonces podría ser hardware contacto problem.please departamento de post-servicio, nosotros solucionará para usted como pronto como sea posible.

4, Q: Pantalla inexacta o permanece estática cuando se haga clic en?

A: (1) Verifique si es a causa de ajuste de la pantalla incorrecta, haga clic en la pantalla ligeramente por varias veces después del encendido, aparecerá la interfaz de ajuste de la pantalla, después del ajuste de pantalla correcto, será normal.
(2) Si el problema persiste, compruebe si hay cuerpos extraños atrapados entre la carcasa y la pantalla, la pantalla volverá al normal, después de eliminar materias extrañas.
(3) Si la membrana de la pantalla táctil tiene burbujas o rizos, será de nuevo a la normalidad después de lágrima de membrana (para proteger la pantalla táctil, mejor para pegar una nueva membrana).

12 décembre 2014

Toque de atención de pantalla para Herramientas Automotriz escaneado

Herramientas de análisis Automotrices son dispositivos utilizados para leer los códigos para establecer los defectos de un coche. Estos dispositivos interpretan los códigos y diagnosticar el problema, lo que permite al propietario del coche para arreglar el coche o para buscar un concesionario de automóviles para hacerlo. Puede utilizar cualquiera de las herramientas de análisis de automoción directamente conectándolo al coche o utilizarlo en un ordenador portátil para mostrar los resultados del diagnóstico.

Adquirir conocimientos de herramientas de análisis de diagnóstico automotriz, que es muy importante, ya que le permite no sólo operar con éxito, sino también identificar sus diversos fines funcionalidad. Los términos técnicos se utilizan para diferenciar las distintas partes de las herramientas de análisis de automoción, y una base de conocimientos del dispositivo serán de gran ayuda. Una vez que haya familiarizarse con los diversos términos y partes de las herramientas de análisis de diagnóstico del automóvil, se puede proceder a la comparación de las diferentes herramientas de análisis de diagnóstico automotriz. Después de comparar usted encontrará de Fcar herramienta de análisis de la automoción es una buena opción para usted, tiene gran pantalla táctil a color, pantalla de alta resolución integrada de diseño estructural. Ahora te voy a dar cuatro consejos para cuidar de su pantalla táctil de Fcar
Cuidado de la pantalla táctil
1) El polvo puede acumularse en la pantalla LCD debido a la electrostática. Sugerir a comprar el limpiador especial de pantalla LCD para limpiar la pantalla con cuidado.
2) No limpie la pantalla con el dedo al descubierto para evitar huella digital adjunta. Nunca utilice productos químicos para limpiar la pantalla.
3) Nunca ponga FCAR para cerrar los productos de ondas electromagnéticas para evitar cualquier efecto en la pantalla
4) Nunca ponga FCAR luz directa del sol oa la radiación ultravioleta durante mucho tiempo para extender la vida de la pantalla.

10 décembre 2014

Principle and operating method of Cummins service light reset

Vehicle model: Dongfeng Kingrun
Year: Junly, 2009
Engine type: ISDE18.530
VIN: LGAX2BG4291012183
Pic.1 Cummins
Principle and operating method of Cummins service light reset
A Dongfeng Kingrun has travelled 58,634 km, the 11th to maintain, there will be a wrench (see Figure 2)
Pic.2 instrument wrench
prompts driver per driving less than 6000 km instrument, the vehicle need maintenance and change oil to improve the recorded memory of this vehicle, preventing engine oil travelling excessive miles and shorten engine life, to understand the usefulness of maintenance, now have a look at operation method of service light reset.
1, Test cable connect respectively with diesel OBD round 16-pin test connector and main unit
2, Find vehicle diagnostic socket position of this vehicle(See Pic.3)

3, Connect with car diagnostic socket, Place ignition switch in ON 
4, Turn on power switch of Fcar auto scanner:
5, enter the menu, select [diesel cars] - [Cummins] - [V5.7] -
[Cummins diesel engine ISDE] - [read current DTC] Fault code display [435 oil change intervals - prompted to replace the oil and oil filter 1] - [History DTC] - fault code display [435 oil pressure sensor fault - signal unstable, intermittent or wrong 1] - [Clear DTC] - [Clear success] - click [service light reset] - [service light reset success] - this time the wrench of instrument lights off, service light reset complete.
Note: Before serive light reset, need to clear current DTC, history DTC, then click service light reset first.          

5 décembre 2014

Toyota Prado Steering angle setting by Fcar engine trouble code reading

Brand: Toyota PRADO
Year model: 2008
Engine type: 2TR
Displacement: 2.7L
Steering angle need to be set after unplug sensor plug, change steering sensor and replace electronic control device. Fcar diagnostic scanner are needed for setting, the method of which as below:
1, First find fault diagnostic plug(diagnostic plug of this vehicle under instrument panel, is standard OBD16 pin plug)
2, OBD;Connect diagnostic socket and OBD according to instruction of diagnostic scanner;
3, After confirm correct connection, open ignition switch and scanner switch;
4, Select corresponding menu to enter according to display of scanner
Japan——【TOYOTA】——【V6.4】——【ODBII connector】——【body】——【ABS�

5 décembre 2014

Read ECU model F3-W universal car diagnostic scanner

F3-W is a universal auto diagnostic tool for global mainstream gasoline + 12V diesel vehicles at OEM level. F3-W car diagnostic computer covers Chinese, European, American, Japanese, Korean,Malaysia vehicles,such as

 European/ American Brands:
 BMW, Benz, Smart, Peugeot, LandRover, Volvo, Opel ,VW, Skoda, Audi, Fiat, Alfa Romeo, Seat, Abarth, Chrysler, Maybach,  Ford, GM,  Citroen, Renault, SAAB, MG, Porsche;

 Asian Brands: Mitsubishi, Toyota, Nissan, Infiniti, Isuzu, Lexus, Honda, Acura, Subaru, Mazda, Daihatsu, Hyundai, KIA, Daewoo, Ssangyong,Tata Mahindra,Maruti, JAC, JMC,Geely, Chery ,Hafei, Great Wall, Lifan,Brilliance,Changan,Changhe,FAW, Foton,Soueast, Xinchen...

 F3-W support functions:
 Readout DTC, Readout Engine Model, Readout Computer Edition Information, Readout QR code, Readout System parameter number, Readout Data Stream, Clear DTC, Read-in QR Code, Component test, Cut-off Cylinder Test, Compression Test, Injector Test, Maintenance Help, Study on line and so on.
Read ECU model

 After diagnostic communication with ECU, the screen of car diagnostic computer will display some information such as ECU model, the type of system, engine model etc of diagnostic system.
 Note: These information are from vehicle ECU, the content that the auto computer fault diagnostic tool displayed is ECU version information.

Read fault code

 Used for reading the fault code recorded by auto ECUself-dignosis, and make explanation about the fault content .

 Note: Obtaining the fault code digital information from vehicle from random access memory RAM of auto computer control unit (ECU) through car diagnostic computer.

 Fault Code Analysis:
 About the fault code, people who has some knowledge of vehicle maintenance will tell you, fault code refers to when the vehicle electronic control system such as engine or gearbox malfunction, the system control unit ECU or self-diagnostic module of ABS module detects system component fault to meet specific program conditions, and have the fault information in form of digital code stored in a special area within the module such as RAM, ROM, or to keep current in the memory KAM. When the vehicle maintenance technician is in the diagnosis of vehicle breakdowns, these fault codes can be obtained from memory through the external truck diagnostic computer. By interpreting and analyzing the fault information corresponding to these codes, the maintenance technicians can quickly find faults, to avoid the diagnostic work going astray.

2 décembre 2014

F3-W automotive diagnostic scanners Introduction and Features

F3-W auto diagnostic scanners Introduction:
As professional multi-functional intelligentized automobile diagnostic computer equipment, FCAR Series products follow International Standard Design. With the big color touch screen, high resolution display integrated structural design, single-track working and touch operation etc these special designs make you feel more easily, conveniently and faster during diagnosis. In addition, FCAR F3-W auto scanner adopts smooth features drive technology and has good extensibility,
The hardcore follows the international advanced modularized design technology, with the excellent performance of high speed , stability, data collection accurate, etc.
With openning structure design and independent operating system, making the upgrade of system software and diagnostic software more convenient in the furture.

 F3-W auto diagnostic tool working power supply is from Vehicle storage battery which can meet the voltage change between 9~27V. Internal power supply is designed by separating power supply which can avoid products to be damaged when vehicle voltage is abnormal.
Good extensibility, F3-W car diagnostic scanners communication interface adopts flexible drive circuit which not only can satisfy the current auto bus type test,but also the auto bus type test in the furture. Built-in high and low speed CAN-BUS, to satisfy the CAN-BUS electronic control system vehicles , Just only one diagnostic interface can test all of vehicles with CAN-BUS. F3-W vehicle diagnostic equipment Support All OBD-II protocols.

Build-in high speed thermal Printer to be convenient to record the data and save Trouble code etc..
Screen follows International standard LED true-color industry touch-screen. It is good guaranteed
under strong sunshine and poor conditions
Multi-language operation edition which can meet different countries and areas demand and use.          

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FCAR Professional Universal Auto Diagnostic Scanner——
  • Fcar mainly production and sell professional auto diagnostic and maintenance tools export around the world. Flagship brand product include F3-W Gasoline auto diagnostic tool, F3-D diesel car diagnostic scanner,F3-G diesel gasoline car diagnostic.
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